Vanuatu Women’s Centre is the main Centre in port vila for women and children who are victims/survivors of family violence.
Torba Counselling Centre
The Torba Counselling Centre was opened in Sola in the island of Vanualava in January 2011. There are concerning people of Torba province especially girls and women who had Domestic Violence in their home.
The centre provided community Education, Awareness and Committee against Violence against Women support throughout the Torba provinces in the remote areas. And also runs Male leader Shop by Sanma Counselling Centre, giving special events campaigns and trainings. TOCC also works with Provincial Government, Police, area Councils, women leaders and Chiefs and church leaders. The Project officers and the staff always there to assist. You can reach the office at Sola call 7344862, Email:, and you can talk to a counsellor on 161 free line in Vila.
Sanma Counselling Centre
In 1993 a first workshop was held by a Committee against Violence against Women started in Luganville and Sanma Counselling Centre was the first Branch of the Vanuatu Women Centre and established in 10th October 1995.
The Centre has done a lot of work in Torba, Sanma and Penama Province. SCC has Committees, activities, Counselling and support service in
- Centre based counselling, referrals and follow-ups
- Mobile Counselling
- Community awareness talks & workshops
- Male leaders workshops
- Special events Campaigns
- Support to the CAVAWs
- Cavaws Training
- Data Collection
- Local Staff training
- Staff collective meetings
- Network with Provincial Government, Community leaders and Civil Society Organisation
There are 6 staffs in Sanma Counselling Centre and Project Officer. For more information call 36157 or Toll Freeline 161. Email:
Tafea Counselling Centre
The Tafea Counselling Centre established in 2003. Committee against Violence against Women setup in isangel, Tanna, to provide awareness to the communities until Tafea opens the centre in 2001, and the opening ceremony held in July 2003 and funded by Australia Government.
Tafea Counselling Centre is a VWC Branch and they continually doing counselling in the office and provided information in Violence against Women. The Branch activities and crisis counselling and support service are
- Centre based counselling, referrals and follow ups
- Mobile Counselling
- Counsellors accompany clients
- In house counsellor training
- Safe House
- Community Awareness talks and workshops
- Male leaders workshop
- Special event campaigns
- Local staff training
- Network with Provincial Government, community leaders and Civil Society Organisation
For more information contact 7101869 or call Project officer 5225085.
Malampa Counselling Centre (MCC)
Vanuatu Women Centre found a survey in 2009-2010 reported that Violence against women and children is increasing in Malampa Province. VWC opens a new branch in Lakatoro, Malekula. They provide Centre based counselling, referrals and follow-ups. MCC also do mobile counselling in the communities, provide community awareness talks, workshops, training, male leader’s workshop, special events and other services in different areas in Malampa Province.
- Centre based counselling, referrals and follow ups
- Mobile Counselling
- Counsellors accompany clients
- In house counsellor training
- Safe House
- Community Awareness talks and workshops
- Male leaders workshop
- Special event campaigns
- Local staff training
- Network with Provincial Government, community leaders and Civil Society Organisation
For more information contact: 7799165/ 5920850 Email:
Penama Counselling Centre (PECC)
Penama Counselling Centre established in 2017 with funding from the UN Women. There a network committees Against Violence against Women. The services provide Counselling and awareness talks and assist women and children in the rural communities and also trained male leaders who work with Network of Provincial Government, community leaders and Civil Society Organisation.
- Centre based counselling, referrals and follow ups
- Mobile Counselling
- Counsellors accompany clients
- In house counsellor training
- Safe House
- Community Awareness talks and workshops
- Male leaders workshop
- Special event campaigns
- Local staff training
- Network with Provincial Government, community leaders and Civil Society Organisation
For more information contact: 7313952 / 5986827 Email: