The Vanuatu Women’s Centre Coordinator Tatavola Matas has made a call to support Mr. Jeff Patunvanu’s statement that the General Manager of the Vanuatu National Provident Fund Mr. Parmod Achary should do the honorable thing and resign from his position after being convicted to the charges of indecency without consent and breach of the leadership code. The 306-paragraph judgement is clear in itself that the Prosecutions has proven its case beyond reasonable doubt. The evidence in defense to the Prosecution case lacked credibility to acquit him of the charges against him. The blatant disrespect Mr. Achary has shown towards the victims is agonizing.
“It is also important for institutions to have internal sexual harassment policies as we have received information in confidence that this type of behaviour is happening in other institutions as well,” said Ms. Matas.
Bislama: Kodineta blong Vanuatu Women’s Centre Tatavola Matas hemi toktok blong sapotem kol blong Mr. Jeff Patunvanu blong askem General Maneja blong Vanuatu National Provident Fund Mr. Parmod Achary blong hemi mekem raet samting mo resign olsem Generol Maneja blong VNPF, afta we Suprim Kot I faendem hemi gilti long rong blong indecency without consent mo hemi brekem lidasip kod. 306 paragraph jajmen ia blong Suprim Kot hemi klia se Prosekusen hemi pruvum case blong hem. Evidence blong defendem case blong hem akensem prosekusen hemi no bin strong inaf blong kliarem hem long ol rong we I stap agensem hem. Mr. Achary hemi no rispektem nating ol foma female staff blong hem ya mo aksen we hemi mekem long olgeta inogud tumas.
“Hemi impoten tu blong ol wok ples I gat sexual harassment policy from mifala I risivim konfidensol information se fasin ya I stap happen tu long ol narafala wokples” Ms. Matas hemi talem.