Penama Counselling Centre school visit enables a girl to report sexual violence.
Lucy is 14 years old and in Year 7. She was a victim of sexual abuse by her elder brother. They go to the same school, but Lucy is in…
VWC’s radio program breaks years of isolation, with help from the 161 toll-free line
Peter and Dora lived together in a de-facto relationship for fourteen years. They have two children, a boy and a girl. Dora is a year 13 leaver. Over the years,…
Summary of Report from VWC CAVAW Officer on the workshop to re-establish North Ambae CAVAW
The workshop was held for a week from 4th – 8th July 2022, with 17 participants from 8 different villages; VWC had invited and catered for 25 participants but only…
Challenges of providing prevention and response services during the COVID outbreak
PECC activities were being carried out on schedule up to the end of February. After the East Ambae CAVAW workshop (at Saratamata) in February, I wanted to return home but…
A breakthrough after many years of inhuman treatment
Rose lived in a violent relationship for a long time before she decided to break the silence about her life story. Rose is married to Sam, and they have four…
Child sexual assault during COVID restrictions
Rachel is 14 years old. Her parents are working and living in Vila but she attends secondary school in Santo. During the COVID-19 community transmission in Santo, the Government closed…
Thirty years of the Vanuatu Women’s Centre: her story
By Tatavola Matas, Merilyn Tahi and Juliet Hunt On 30 August 1992, three ni-Vanuatu women were on a plane back home to Port Vila, after attending a workshop in Suva with grassroots women from…